Políticas de Privacidad
Contract and Policies for the Purchase of Gifts
It is a pleasure to greet you and thank you for choosing us as your accomplice to surprise.
At Party Complement, we want to efficiently provide the services for your special gift, corporate event, or celebration. It is for this reason that we wish to establish our terms and conditions to start our services.
Gift with Shipping:
- Orders must be placed a minimum of three days in advance.
- For next-day orders, a call to (+13146244973) is required to validate availability.
- The delivery schedule is based on two shifts, one in the morning from
- 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and the other late at night from 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm without setting the exact time, as delivery will be handled within the time frame within each shift.
- Some type of agreement may be considered with prior notification of the delivery, such as the party arriving home after 3:00 pm.
- The balloons that float tied to the composition of the balloon bouquets are inflated with helium gas and filled in establishments with certified helium use. Helium gas is not flammable.
- Balloons filled with helium, whether latex or micro foil, should under no circumstances be released outdoors.
- Balloons should not obstruct ventilation outlets under the air conditioners within the facilities to be decorated.
- Latex balloons, whether or not filled with helium gas, should not be released into the environment.
- Foil balloons, whether or not filled with helium gas, should not be released into the environment, nor should they be brought close to cables, lamps, or light bulbs since they are conductors of electricity and if by accident they come into contact with power lines or electrical installations, accidents may occur.
- IF you place the balloons directly in sunlight, it may cause the material, whether latex or microfoil, to heat up and expand, causing the balloon to burst.
- When the client wishes to dispose of the balloon composition, it must be done correctly inside plastic bags and placed inside garbage containers. Keep all balloon waste away from children and pets because they could accidentally be ingested and can cause suffocation.
- You must take into account and notify us if the person who will receive the decoration has any type of allergy or reaction to latex to avoid including this type of material in the design.
- Under no circumstances allow a balloon inflated with Helium gas to be placed in your mouth for any use other than decorating an event.
Responsibilities and Delivery:
- Once the design or decoration has been delivered, if you decide to move it to another place, it will be your responsibility since it is a delicate product, and some considerations must be taken for its transfer.
- The client must provide information about everything related to the design of the decoration or gifts they want through a short interview. Information such as: colors, personalized balloon, age, name, reason (communion, graduation, love, baptism, happy anniversary) among others.
- For promotional reasons of our work for our social networks, website, and other media, we always take photographs and videos of the delivery to the client with their decoration or gift. If you do not agree with these images being published, please notify us. If you do not want to appear in our publications, we promise not to do so with the client but to publish our decoration, work, or gifts sent.
- If the delivery is postponed, availability will be verified to schedule a new delivery.
- In the event that the customer did not receive their gift, and we have to leave the site with the gift, they must pay again for the next delivery.
- It cannot exceed 30 minutes from the time of delivery.
Cancellation and Refund:
- In case of canceling the service, 50% of the amount paid will be refunded.
- If you do not comply with the terms and conditions of this contract, we are not responsible for any reason for damages or losses that may be caused or suffered.
Party Complement
En el corazón de nuestra empresa se encuentra la visión y pasión de Pamela Carrillo, una visionaria y talentosa diseñadora de globos, cuyo amor por transformar espacios y crear momentos inolvidables la llevó a fundar Party Complement. Graduada del prestigioso Instituto Deco Lovers, con mención en Globe Designer, en la vibrante ciudad de Orange City, California, Pamela ha dedicado su carrera a perfeccionar el arte de la decoración con globos, combinando técnica, creatividad y un profundo entendimiento de la paleta de emociones humanas para crear experiencias únicas.
Desde su formación académica, Pamela se destacó por su habilidad única para ver más allá del globo como un simple objeto de decoración. Para ella, cada globo representa una posibilidad infinita de alegría, color y expresión artística. Inspirada por la diversidad y la riqueza cultural de California, Pamela ha sabido integrar tendencias innovadoras con tradiciones clásicas, estableciendo un nuevo estándar en el diseño de globos y decoraciones temáticas.
La filosofía de Pamela se basa en la creencia de que cada evento es una historia esperando ser contada. A través de su trabajo, busca no solo embellecer un espacio, sino también capturar la esencia de cada celebración, reflejando la personalidad y los sueños de sus clientes. Su compromiso con la excelencia, la atención al detalle y la personalización de cada proyecto han sido la clave de su éxito y la razón por la cual [Nombre de la Empresa] se ha convertido en sinónimo de calidad, innovación y estilo.
Bajo la dirección creativa de Pamela, [Nombre de la Empresa] ha logrado superar las expectativas de una impresionante lista de clientes, llevando a cabo desde íntimas celebraciones familiares hasta grandes eventos corporativos. Cada proyecto es un desafío emocionante y una oportunidad para explorar nuevas ideas, siempre con el objetivo de crear algo verdaderamente extraordinario.
Nuestra misión es transformar cada evento en una experiencia magica y memorable, a través de diseños personalizados y creados con amor. Creemos en el poder de los detalles para conectar emocionalmente y enriquecer cada celebración, haciendo de cada momento algo simplemente inolvidable.
Invitamos a nuestros clientes a soñar en grande y a confiar en nosotros para hacer realidad esos sueños. Con Pamela Carrillo y su equipo de expertos diseñadores, Party Complement se compromete a llevar la belleza, el arte y la alegría a cada rincón, creando espacios que hablan, emocionan y permanecen en el corazón de quienes los experimentan.